Diana Rogers Music
About Diana Rogers
Diana Rogers is a well known kirtan singer from San Francisco, CA. She has recorded two music CDs, featuring both popular kirtan tunes, complete with the call and response form, as well as devotional bhajans, or songs to the Divine. Diana Rogers is a devotee and follows in the tradition of Sri 1008 Neem Karoli Baba and Sri Siddhi Ma.
Her debut solo album, Unveiled, features Hindu devotional chanting with world music instrumentation. Her recordings also include: Swaha, w/ Amazing Grace, Chord of Love w/ Amazing Grace (Jai Uttal, Ram Dass, and Krishna Das)-Triloka Records, One Track Heart w/ Krishna Das-Triloka Records, and Women's Yoga Chants (Gaiam),Planet Yoga (Triloka-Karuna Records), Greatest Hits of the Kali Yuga w/ Krishna Das (Triloka-Karuna Records), and Meditations on the Gita w/ Krishna Das (Triloka-Karuna Records).